Acca sellowiana
Pineapple Guava
Acca sellowiana, Pineapple Guava, Feijoa
Nazametz (NP)(CA): Self fertile selection, originates from San Diego, Large Oblong shaped fruits with a thin skin. Pulp does not oxidize easily and retains clear color. Good pollinator for ‘Trask’.
NZ Coolidge (NP)(NZ):
Chesterwoody (NP)(Early season var.): Very early, flavorful, not overly sweet, gritty.
Marion (NP)(Early Season var.): Early ripening, especially high sugar content, medium to large sized fruit.
Choiceana (NP)(CA)(Mid-season var.): Small to medium sized fruit, round to oval fruit, 2-3”, fairly smooth skin, good flavor and quality. Moderately vigorous, almost or always self fertile, never less than 42% self-fertile.
Unique (NP)(Early Season Var.): Early, Good keeping, medium sized fruit, mildly aromatic, sub-acid, soft and juicy flesh.
King (NP)
Arhart (NP)
Lickvers Pride (NP)
Madre (NP)
Tulls Supreme (NP)
Ramsey (NP)(Early season var.): Early Blooming and early ripening, large fruit, sweet and flavorful, upright growth habit.
Mammoth (NP)(Mid-season var.)(AUS): Medium size fruit with potential for empty locules (inner fruit segments), moderately soft, juicy, grainy.
Edenvale Supreme (NP):
Flavia (NP):
Gemini (NP)(Early Season Var.): Early season, good for storage, small to medium sized fruit. Soft & Juicy, slightly gritty, strong flavor, sub acid.
Genesis (NP):
Huia (NP):
Taigen II (NP):
Kaiteri (™ Roy Hart)(Early Season Var.): Early ripening variety, very large fruit (can weigh more than .5lb) Thin, edible skin.
Kakariki(™ Roy Hart): Exceptionally sweet, large fruit, ripening early in the season.
Robert (NP)(NZ)(Early Season Var.): Oval fruits with grainy flesh, undesirable brownish leaves? Uniform oval fruits, juicy but somewhat gritty, produces hollow fruit with lack of pollination.
Anatoki(™ Roy Hart)(Early Season Var.): Abundant crops of large, sweet and flavorful fruit. Early ripening. Compact habit.
White Goose (NP):
Wiki Tu (NZ PVR)(Late season var.): Late season, large, mild flavored fruit, sometimes has hollow locules inside.
Pounamu (NZ PVR)(Early Season Var.): Early season, good storage. Medium sized fruit, aromatic and rich flavor. Good Sugar:Acid ratio, Very Dark Skin.
Edenvale Supreme x Moore Seedling (NP):
Wowa! (NP):
Apollo (Mid-season Var.)(NZ): delicate, large fruit, uneven in shape. Sweet with good eating quality, bruises easily.
Takaka (™):
Waingaro (™)
Apollo (Mid-season Var.): delicate, large fruit, uneven in shape. Sweet with good eating quality, bruises easily.
Den’s Choice (Mid-season var.): Good Keeper, medium-large size, very sweet, smooth & juicy, mildly aromatic.
Kakapo (Mid-season var.): Medium size fruit with good flavor.
Opal Star(Late Season Var.)(PVR): Late season, medium size fruit. Mild flavor, sub-acid.
Triumph: Late season, good storer, medium sized, often uneven halves, moderately soft & juicy and slightly grainy or gritty.
Coolidge: (CA)(NP):Small to medium sized fruit, 4”x2.5”. Skin somewhat wrinkled, flavor mild, indifferent quality, upright and strong growing, reliable and heavy bearer, 100% self fertile, most widely planted cultivar in CA.
Edenvale(Santa Cruz, CA): Frank Serpa of Edenvale Nurseries. Large, oblong fruit of excellent flavor and quality. Ripens in October, slow growing, self fertile, precocious and productive. Likes cool coastal climates.
Superba(AUS)(NP): Slightly oval, medium smooth, medium to small fruits of good flavor, Self-sterile, requiring another cultivar for pollination. Spreading, straggly in habit and of medium vigor.
Trask(Early var.): Bud sport of Coolidge, medium to large, oblong fruit, up to 3.5” long and 3 to 5 ozs in weight. Rough, dark green skin, shells thicker and grittier than coolidge. Flavor and quality very good, ripens early, tree self fertile, pollinator for Nazametz.
Triumph(NZ)(Mid-season var.): Seedling of Choiceana cultivar. Short, oval, plump fruits, not poitned as those of coolidge, medium to large. Skin uneven but firm, flesh somewhat gritty but with good seed to pulp ratio. Excellent sharp flavor. Ripens to mid-season. Upright, medium vigor, heavy bearing if pollinated. Good pollinator for Mammoth.
NP=No Patent
PVR(Plant Varietal Restriction)?
NZ=New Zealand Origin
CA=California Origin
AUS=Australian Origin