Eugenia modesta

Eugenia modesta

Eugenia modesta which was sold to me as Eugenia moroviana is a small fruited Eugenia from Argentina. This species grows in the mountainous forests where it can grow to be quite a dense, yet small tree.  This species grows rather slowly, as has been my experience, but will likely gain some speed once they get established and get more mature.  There isn’t a whole lot of information about this species but it seems like a distinct and pleasant Eugenia species that will likely do well for frost susceptible gardens.

Family: Myrtaceae

Name: Eugenia modesta  Synonyms: (Eugenia bella, Eugenia moraviana)

Common Name / Native Name:

Range: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay

Sun: Full sun/Part Shade

Height:~10 feet

Width: 6+ feet

Foliage: Small obovate leaves that come to a point at the end

Flower: Small white myrtaceous flowers

Fruit: Small Red fruits 

Soil Type/ pH: Prefers acidic soils but will tolerate higher pH

USDA Climate Zones: Unknown likely hardy to 9b

Cold Hardiness: Unknown likely hardy to 9b

Edibility: Said to be a delicious fruit eaten out of hand 

Age to maturity: Unknown
