Eugenia neosilvestris
Eugenia neosilvestris
Eugenia neosilvestris is a rare fruit from Brazil. This fruit has made it’s way into the US in 2020 and is for the first time being offered to collectors in the United States. This species has been referred to as a dwarf Grumichama with superior tasting fruit. The fruits differ in that they are red and have an orange flesh, they are also supposedly less resinous. Take advantage of this rare opportunity to grow and conserve this awesome species of Eugenia.
Family: Myrtaceae
Name: Eugenia neosilvestris
Common Name / Native Name: Unknown
Range: South East Brazil
Sun: Full sun/ Part shade
Height: 6-15 feet
Width: 6+ feet
Foliage: Bright red new growth that leads to glossy deep green leaves
Flower: Large white myrtaceous flower
Fruit: A small purple fruit with a dark orange/purple interior.
Soil Type/ pH: Prefers acidity, undetermined tolerance to high pH
USDA Climate Zones: Undetermined, likely 10a+
Cold Hardiness: Unknown
Edibility: Supposedly one of the best tasting Eugenias.
Age to maturity: Unknown