Manilkara kauki
Manilkara kauki
Manilkara kauki is a large subtropical/tropical tree that is found throughout eastern Asia and into Australia. This plant is an interesting member of the Sapotaceae that grows large quantities of smaller fruits similar to Chico Sapote. The tree is reported to have been able to withstand light frosts which poses a major opportunity for subtropical growers. Chico sapote can be a little frost sensitive and requires great amounts of heat in order for fruit to ripen and develop properly. This tree seems like it has great potential in subtropical climates due to it’s smaller fruit size, meaning it may ripen more readily than Chico Sapote. Check out this fruit and give it a try in your garden!
Family: Sapotaceae
Name: Manilkara kauki
Common Name / Native Name: Caqui
Range: Eastern Asia into Australia
Sun: Full sun/part shade
Height: ~60 feet
Width: ~20+ feet
Foliage: Obovate foliage that is very common amongst Manilkara spp. and Pouteria spp.
Flower: Small inconspicuous flowers born on the terminal ends of new growth.
Fruit: Small Red/Brown fruit around the size of a date
Soil Type/ pH: Prefers acidic soils but many tolerate soils with a higher pH
USDA Climate Zones: Unknown, potentially 9b+
Cold Hardiness: Undetermined but reported to withstand light frosts
Edibility: A pleasant tasting fruit that is reminiscent of Manilkara zapota. Jared from Rare Fruit Explorer says it, “Has a pumpkin pie-y taste like other Sapotes tend to have. Sweet and sugary with a texture similar to plum”
Age to maturity: Unknown