Myrtillocactus geometrizans
Blue Berry Cactus
Myrtillocactus geometrizans
Myrtillocactus geometrizans or Blue Berry Cactus is a selection from the well known Baja Fruit Explorer, Dennis Sharmahd. I obtained these cacti from him a couple of years ago and was totally drawn in. I’m a sucker for cacti that set fruit and will tolerate cooler temperatures.
Blue Berry Cactus is a long term investment but an absolute specimen for the garden. These cacti, being from the tropical deciduous grasslands and dry grasslands, prefer a well drained soil and protection from severe frost events. People will often grow these cacti indoors as houseplants in areas where severe frosts occur but they have major potential in the marginal climates where frosts are brief. The sweetly scented flowers certainly make this cactus “worth it” but the awesome fruits that follow surely make it a must have.
On an unrelated note; I was inspired by the “Arizona Gardens” of the early 1900’s and have been setting some specimens aside for when I can finally plant out my dream Cactus garden. If you haven’t heard of these, check it out! There’s an incredibly Arizona Garden on Stanford Campus, where absolutely incredible specimens were collected from the wild and brought to the garden in the early 1900’s.
Family: Cactaceae
Name: Myrtillocactus geometrizans
Common Name / Native Name: BlueBerry Cactus
Range: Mexico
Sun: Full sun/part shade
Height: 15+ feet
Width: 10+ feet
Foliage: Beautiful deep blue columnar cactus with tight, rigid whorls of thorns (modified leaves!)
Flower: Small flowers about the size of a penny that are totally gorgeous!
Fruit: A small blue fruit resembling a blueberry with a little tuft on the end. Blue/deep purple pulp.
Soil Type/ pH: Prefers well drained soils that are rich in nutrients
USDA Climate Zones: 9b+
Cold Hardiness: Can handle light frosts, unsure of long frost exposure damage
Edibility: A really enjoyable cactus to have in the garden. The fruit is small but flavorful, with a little bit of work can procur an amount for maximum enjoyment. A blue fruit that is sweet and has little to no acid.
Age to maturity: 1-2 years from cutting