Syzygium smithii
Narrow Leaved Lilly Pilly, Creek Lilly Pilly
Syzygium smithii
Syzygium smithii is a rainforest species found in the tropical and subtropical regions of Australia. This species is one of the few plants referred to as “Lilly Pillies”. This Lillly Pilly is one of the more common and widely grown outside of Australia. S. smithii bears huge clusters of bright pink/white berries that are sure to brighten up your landscape. The trees can reach a height of around 30 feet or more and will likely dominate the canopy wherever they are planted. Some of these Lilly Pilly species lend themselves to be great hedge plants and will respond well to heavy pruning while still bearing fruit if pruned at the right time of year. Another interesting aspect that might be of interest to some California growers, is this species' resistance to fire! I will definitely be planting this species on the outer borders of my farm due to the high likelihood of wildfires in my region.
Touted as “the most cold hardy” of all Syzygium spp. this plant is a great option for those pushing the boundaries of their climate. It is definitely a plant that would rather be in the ground than in a pot.
Family: Myrtaceae
Name: Syzygium smithii
Common Name / Native Name: Creek Lilly Pilly, Narrow Leaved Lilly Pilly
Range: New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria
Sun: Full sun/part shade
Height: 25 feet
Width: 8-15 feet
Foliage: Dark green, glabrous, ovate foliage. New growth is bright red/pink and puts on a show when it starts flushing in spring.
Flower: Small flowers in large clusters that are found on new growth
Fruit: Small Lavender/Pink/White berries
Soil Type/ pH: Tolerant of a wide variety of soils but prefers acidic soil
USDA Climate Zones: 9a+
Cold Hardiness: This tree is cold hardy and a reliable producer in the SF Bay area. It is certainly capable of withstanding freezes and grows so rapidly that die back is usually minimal in hindering growth. It is also noted as being the most cold hardy Syzygium spp.
Edibility: A pleasant tasting Syzygium spp. that is often used to make jams, jellies and drinks.
Age to maturity: